Changing lives, one bow at a time.

Our Story

The purpose of Heritage Archery Academy is teaching all ages the focus sport of archery at its highest level, starting at any level. The outcome of this program is to build skill, character, self image and confidence. We started our program to build a high level shooting team to shoot state, national and world tournaments. What we discovered was far more reaching and rewarding for our students and our coaches. The life changing benefits of Archery far exceeded our expectations of the sport itself.


Heritage Archery Academy has given the youth and adults a purpose to be actively pursuing archery as their sport and with that a sense of being a part of an Archery Community or as we call it an Archery Family. There is no body type or physical body limitations that we can’t work with to help them perform, contribute and compete at a very high level in Archery.


So bring us all who would like to be blessed with the life-changing art and discipline of Archery.